miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2018

Drawing anything

On this blog/video I am going to talk to you about an activity that I love to do when I have some free time and it is drawing the first thing that goes through my mind. I think it is a kind of OCD or some “fear of emptiness” because is almost involuntary. I am not good paying attention in class so I began to do this when I enter school I think. Anyway, the result is many notebooks with not much notes and full of scrawls.

I do this in any moment and any place (even now hahah). If you look in my notebooks, you can see dinosaurs, psychedelics landscapes, anime characters and other entire abstracts figures, every page, both sides, even in the cover D: . It is a pain in the ass sometimes when I realize that I have used in a couple of days the notebooks that I had supposed to use in the entire semester. I can see two ways that it can help to me (in the life?) First, looking my own sketches y can knowing myself and explain some others psychological behaviors like analyze the dinosaur that I drew ten years ago and the next two hundred dinosaurs and see what changes, in relation of the exterior events of my life (?) . Second, line by line I think, I understand how to draw or better than that, why to draw. I am not sure if I understand the last thing I wrote but I hope you try to do it for me :S

miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2018

Big chilean artist

This post is a tribute of two big artist of the national scene that inspired me since i read about them when i was a kid.

Sergio Larraín was born in a rich home like the most of Larrain People. This fact allow him to travel around the world and know how the people lives. He always was a mystic man. He was interested in real feelings that he could not experiment normally so he left his house and lived with the poor childrens of the Mapocho river. He made a lot of photographies and was recognited by the Magnum Agency (the best honour of a photographer) and he worked there. His level of empaty helped him to capture very close pictures of people, like one time, when he captures portraits of the sicilian mafia family.  His last days he just left the photography because he found other state of mind and just take pictures of “satoris” or “Ilumination moments”.

A couple of years later, another big artist was born. Claudio Bravo was born in Maipú (maybe) and began drawing at school. I don’t know exactly how, he worked with the Sotheby Gallery and created his famous paintings of packets (a lot of mistery packets closed with all its details). He generally painting still life´s paintings but living in Morocco he worked with the human body too. His style is photorealism but his level of composition or color´s experiment is the thing that make him a great artist. He was always near of the Royalty and his topics tried to be universal. Larraín in other side, talk us about social injustices.  I love both of them but even today i cannot decide who is better :(

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018

A job: Wildlife photographer

Its a little complicated talk about my relation with the architecture at a profesional level, so i am going to talk you about one of my three secret dreams: be a photographer of the wild life. I think this could be an amazing job.  Those kind of photographers travel around the world like freelancers and give to the people their own perspective of the nature, in magazines or documentaries at least. I always ask myself “how they feels while they are making those images” and this job could answer my question.
To be a wildlife photographer  i think i need to be prepared to live with just the mínimum like a hippie (and that is a great wall to get this job because we all are inmersed in other type of relation with the material world). Do not have a stablished house or fresh meal everyday. Be prepared to fight with the weather and learnt to live together with other people from differents cultures. But first, i nedd to understand how works the burocracy in a traveling life. I think i have some competences like that but is not enought L I think i can resist a los of days without sleeping (thanks to FAU) and i have a couple of knownledges about photography or about thinking in a creative way.
It seems a very suffer life, but is only a part of the job. They travel alone but they have friends in all countries they know. I think they can see things that i can even imagine and being capable of understand how the life works like any other.

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018

Environmentally friendly

Is a common thing that our parents or teachers talk us about environmental protect, but I think the real change of our actions comes with a revelation. I remember when I saw for first time the Al Gore’s movie “An inconvenient truth”. It cause a deep impression in me (and in the entire world). Inmediatly, I though in make the difference. I never threw away water again. The same thing with the energy. I couldn´t understand how people turn the light or TVs on and left the room as if nothing had happened. Sometimes I turn those off in secret, when I visit other houses.
If i needed saw a movie to be more environmental friendly…How about the other people? I think the human condition is blind about things that cannot feel directly. The Chilean culture is a TV culture and I remember some advertising about the correct use of the energy, but this format is limitated. The plastic bag’s law is a triumph, but came here so late
The most common things that people recycle is glass and paper but all our activities generate other kind of trash. For example, I buy a lunch every day and the package is bigger than the amount of food. I don’t use straws and every time I keep the plastic bags that sellers give me (In an obligatory way) but life is hard L a couple of days ago my roomie throw away my bag collection and I don’t even had thinking about what to do with those. I know there is a lot of things to do that depends of our level of knowledge and motivation. So, I think I need a new “revelation”. And you?

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018

A manga: Oyasumi Punpun

Two months ago a friend recommended me a manga that I have no idea that exist. He said “this is another kind of manga, you must read it”. I am not a good lector of manga but  I had reading some “seinen” works like “Vagabond” or “Gantz”. Those mangas  in particular have a deep vision of the world and an amazing level of illustration.

The manga is  called “Oyasumi Punpun” (Goodnight, Punpun). Is about a Japanese kid and how he looks the world where he lives. He grows like any other kid, with a particular relationship with his family, the school, his friends and the girls he likes, but the author shows how the kid (Punpun) really see the world and how the dysfunctional environment affects his development. The author use an intense expression in his drawings and this is very beautiful to see. Is like the Pixar’s movie “intensified” but with the Japanese sensibility. In fact, I read its critics and some guys compares it with the master novel “The Catcher in the Rye” of J.D. Salinger.

I loves this manga since the first day. When I was reading it, I remembered how I felt when I has the age of Punpun. The view of  a kid is so different and we don’t think in this fact in our regular days.

miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018

La gringa

   Hi! Today i will write about my roomie. She is a 22 girl, but is “a little different” I think, because she came from Germany to Chile two weeks ago. Her name is Nora and she comes from Hamburg to finish her studies in social sciences. I think she is a interesting person because she has other rhythm of life totally different to the common chilean guy (me). She sleeps at 10 P.M. and wake up at 7 even when she has nothing to do. She try keeping herself busy the whole day. She reads, cooks, makes pilates and riding in her bicycle while I am sleeping. At the end of the day, she talk me (in English) about her plans of knowing the entire south American continent as she knew the entire Asian and European region. In those two weeks, she has travelled to Valparaíso and Pucón! Can you believe it?

   “La gringa” (how we all called her, included herself) is a really curious person and ask me about Chile and its culture. I talked with  her about mapuches and Chilean literature. One day I explain what means “carrete” or “huevón” (in all its conjugations). She tought me how to say “cheers” in german. It is “Prost!”. I have to say the best part is here, because she loves the beer!!

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018

A subject: Complementary art

I wanna talk you about a subject that I enjoyed at school. When I was in seventh grade maybe, I had to choose for first time a complementary subject. In general, my classmates chose the typical sport class. But I always have hated this kind of subjects. I began to go to complementary art, even when this was not allowed in my level. I don’t remember how I could enter in this class. Probably I begged to the teacher. However,   I runned away from sports, successfully.
The teacher was an old lady that I am not sure how much artist she was. She opened the classroom door and left us alone. On the other side, I didn’t know anyone of my classmates. They were older than me and they made disturbs when the lady went out. I was the only one interested in the class. For five hours at week, I was alone with my pen, my notebook and my imagination.
I learned a lot of things, but by my own. I drew dinosaurs, landscapes and robots. One day the teacher gave me a notebook full of desert landscapes. I remember thinking “this is in a professional level”. It was the first time that I saw a work like that, in real paper. She said “copy it” and that was what I did.  It was really fun.

I had normal arts classes too, but I didn´t like making things with the teacher’s supervision or while anyone looking around. I think it is a personal thing. That kind of thinking has produced many troubles in workshop, where I had to create and share my work to all my classmates and teachers while I dying of shame L. In the other hand,  I think that subject helped me to develop the passion for the arts that finally bring me here.

Drawing anything

On this blog/video I am going to talk to you about an activity that I love to do when I have some free time and it is drawing the first thi...