viernes, 27 de julio de 2018

A special place: The Ñielol Hill

Temuco has its own natural treasure. A kind of metropolitan Park who not everyone knows. It is located in the north of the city, crossing an avenue, with a half-hidden access. The Ñielol hill is the biggest hill in the city (there are others, but they aren´t a natural reserve) and the most beautiful.
I remember I had no idea where it was located, until when I was in high school and I went to explore with my friends.  Since that day, I climb the hill in many special times with friends and my girlfriend.
The climbing is hard. You can walk by a central path and lose yourself in many parts of the way. This is the interesting part. In that moment, the Selva Valdiviana shows its entire splendor. An infinite forest of giant coigues, climbing plants and colihues. All in green. Like no other place. In some locations, there are evidence of the mapuche’s history. The most important I think, is a group of chemamull near of the top. This giants and anthropomorphic totems remember the day where the Chilean and mapuche people agree to found the city of Temuco in 1881.
The Ñielol Hill had many balconies to rest, child games, a little museum and a restaurant at the top. But how I said, the best form of know it is losing on it.

sábado, 21 de julio de 2018

Something i like to do outside: the street photography

I always like the photography, but i had not a good camera “a professional camera”, so, for a long time, i just feed my eyes with referents. A couple of years ago i saw a documentary about the Street photography. The art of go out, look in the city and captured it. Does not matter to have or not a expensive camera. Only matter the moment.

The hard part of the street photography is dealing with the people. With people that you don’t know. Taking pictures with a cellphone is a good idea, because its are in all places. People can deal with it. Sometimes is difficult pay attention and at the end of the day, i don’t even have one good image. Sometimes the image arrives alone. “the photographic moment” and i only have to captured it.

I like the Street photography because it makes you walk a lot around the city, to know its alleys, the different perspectives of the same place. The last time i walked without direction for Santiago Centro, a place full of life and movement. To walk for the Alameda or Persa is terapeutical when open your eyes. Even in subway or microbus you can do it. If i buy a camera, probably i will do pictures with better resolution

A rat's hobby

When i was in high school, a group of friends usually played computer games in recess. They always played something different, but this game impressed to me in the way that i never played another one after it. This game is called Age of empires II. I always said that is like playing chess, but more complex. On this game, you are the King of a medieval civilization, like persian, england or japanese. You command your people to collect nature resources, to explore the map, to build your city and to prepared they weapons. All its against time, because the enemy (the computer or another guy) eventually is going to attack you. The design of the game recreates a mediaval war. You can see horses, swordsmen, castles, catapults even  elephants! Like in the lord of the ring or game of thrones.

I always plays age of empires in summer, in the days that i have nothing to do with my life. Usually a game envolves a couple of hours, so is not very healthy playing every day. Sometimes is a really headache trying to keep your Civilization alive, but every time its easily. You learn about strategy and history, so, this game is not completly a waste of time.

Resultado de imagen para age of empires 2 war

A TV Programme i enjoyed as a Child: La ley de la Selva

i always liked the documentaries about the animal life, but in the open TV there was really few programmes about it. In 90' there was a programme called Maravillozoo, but it was cancelled when i was very young. Lately, in 2000 (more or less) in Megavision started one of the most popular tv show in the decade: La ley de la Selva. The programme had four animators: three vets and one model. They talked about animals in different ways. Sometimes they traveled around the world showing the nature, in other episodes they went to the zoo or examinated some random animals in the studio. I liked how they tought about animals in a funny way.

At the end of the decade, the programme was dying gradually. First, they started to talk frecuently about pets. They did not even tought something, they just spoke and spoke about cats and dogs. Second, the programme incorporated ufology in its contents. This destroyed the scientific responsibility of the programme. At the end, La ley de la Selva just showed a group of men competing in archery, force or balance.

However, i will never forget how much they tried to teach us about the danger of the insects, the nature’s respect and its beauty in general.

viernes, 20 de julio de 2018

Marrakech. An exotic city.

I’d like to visit a lot of places for the architecture like Venice, Tokyo, New York, but a city that I think is a real fairy tale is Marrakech. It is a city completely different of the others. This is placed in Africa and is separated from Europe only for the Mediterranean sea, in a country called Morocco. This location creates a unique culture, one of the most exotic places in the world. The population is muslim, but they can speak Spanish too. I think it is a perfect city to wander, make some pictures and eat some stranger food.
I would like to visit the museum-house of Claudio Bravo. This was the best Chilean painter in the history. The man was in loved of Marrakec
h. He painted the people, their culture and their colors, and collected many exotic objects from Africa.

I think my girlfriend would like to visit Marrakech too. She loves the photography and this place full of colors could inspired her as much as inspired to me.

Imagen relacionada

2018: América Paz and the Chilean Funk

In 2018 i can not remember a new song of the bands that i follow. Generally i listen the classics, but in summer i listened a chilean song from America Paz, called "La Pera". I think i listened this song in Instagram first, when she share advancements by herself. America Paz is a master of bass that i have followed for internet. She is not very popular in the musical industry, but i think she is a kind of Jaco Pastorious feminine (and chilean)  She plays jazz and blues in streets bands, but this time she write this song with a lot of funk like RHCP or Chancho en Piedra. Inmediatly i loved this song. "La Pera" is a summation of great elements. It starts with a grotesque and hard bass solo and a soft guitar strumming. The instrumental remember the original 80th funk music, with sintetized sounds. But the best part is the sweet voice of America Paz. The lyrics are very simple, but with a great message: you have to dance the funk if you want to be happy. At the end, the song finished with the colaboration of Lalo Ibeas in the voice. You can find this song in Youtube or Spotify. Follow her. She is amazing.

Eighteen years old

In high school, i made a lot of good friends, but after two years, in 2010 i decided to change of school, from padre las Casas to Temuco. In my new course, i had not real friends like in the other one. Nobody knew when was my birthday on this site. In my house is not very important the birthday celebration (we all are grinchs) but this time was going to be my eighteen, i felt it had to be different, but it did not depends of me.
The day arrives and i went to class like ever. Later, i join with my best friend (from my previous school) and we walked to nowhere from hours (like ever). the night fell and i tried to go home, but my friend stopped me: the party started at ten o´clock. this was in the house of other friend and they invited all the other guys of Padre las Casas. This was a real surprise to me. In fact, they had called to my mom a couple of days before and made all the arrangements. The food and drink was very simple, but was the best. They gave me a mug with images of my favourite band on this time. A japanese band. In that time we were healthy kids yet, so the party was very innocent, with video games, coca cola and cookies. Now i still join with my best friend and between the drugs, the rock n' roll and violence, i can remember that time when we were so innocent.

Drawing anything

On this blog/video I am going to talk to you about an activity that I love to do when I have some free time and it is drawing the first thi...