viernes, 24 de agosto de 2018

Blog review

This semester, some blogs were more interesting than others were. Writing is fun in Spanish, but writing in English is a little complicated. It helps the fact that we have to write about a personal topic like a toy, a hobbie, a tv programme. In “a tv programme you enjoyed as a child”, I talk about Naruto and I realized that was very important to me in my childhood (I had never stopped to think about it). This blog was very interesting to reading, because we all saw similar tv shows like anime and cartoons. I remember reading the christi’s blog when she talk about Pokémon. The Chilean culture spin around the tv, so we all understand each other when we talk about it. In the same way “A toy” makes me to remember things that I completely forgot.

I think the most complicated post was talk about a city, because it was the least personal blog. I had to read about it in Wikipedia and it was not fun. When we had to talk about a phone app, there was few possibilities and everyone talks about Instagram or Spotify.

The thing I disliked was writing the comments because nobody finished their post at time or always the same people did it. Whatever, I think the blog is a good tool to learn English, because without the pressure of writing about a boring topic, I can prove myself how much I can understand this language week to week (each time easily).

viernes, 17 de agosto de 2018

A toy: Max Steel.

When i was a child i had not many toys, because we was tree brothers and one new toy means the war between us. But some day when i was eight (christmas maybe) a fríend of my dad gave him the favourite toy of all kids: Max Steel. A muscle man, caucasian, stereotype of an awesome guy. For some reason, he gave it to me. I was fascinated.
I remember playing with Max Steel in the school. I had a friend who was only son, so he had many toys. One of its was the historical enemy of Max (the f*ckin “Action Man”) so we met in my house and fought in the yard. My friend had many accesories. A completly arsenal. I could not buy it, so, i made my own weapons and accesories. I made a lot of guns with plastiline and some sticks. With an egg carton and color paper i made a kind of spaceship. A failed experiment was the parachuted. I  sewed some nylon bags and tied to Max to finally threw it to the emptiness, but the system never worked L
Probably Max is in a dirty box in a dark place in my house in the south. I do not know really.

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2018

A phone app: Aldiko Book Reader

Until 2011, when i wanted to read something, i had to go to the library and get a book. Sometimes big or heavy books. But one day, a friend of mine told me about a new application, a really confortably e-reader: this was Aldiko Book Reader.
Aldiko is a free app who use a format called “epub”. The epubs are small archives who contains entire books. The difference with the PDFs is the versatility of the archive. You can move easily between the pages, to adjust the size of the characters and save the interesting parts. It is like to have an entire library in the cellphone. The first month i read the entire saga of “the song of ice and fire”. I traveled three hours every day to my previous university, so i could read a hundred pages every day approximately, for many years. My younger brother installed the app when he was a Little kid, so you can imagine how many e-pubs he read. I like it because there are a lot of interesting books, the classics and the news and there is not excuses to not read it.
Currently i have not many time, so is difficult to me try to read, but i keep trying. Last night i was reading Julio Cortazar’s “Rayuela” and i could not to do it without Aldiko. I ignored if there are more apps like that, but should be difficult to me to change my favourite app <3

Drawing anything

On this blog/video I am going to talk to you about an activity that I love to do when I have some free time and it is drawing the first thi...